Work Package 1
Entangling Indigenous Knowledges: An Epistemological Re-assessment
The WP1 aims to establish sharp analytical lines about the entanglement of Indigenous knowledges. Different from approaches sustained in dialogue and interculturality, entangling explores theories of act-thinking and engages with Indigenous relationalities. An agreement on general epistemological routes sets a fruitful research agenda for the network.
This WP will play a significant role in the project’s first phase and is conceived to detect areas of interest, neglected subjects, large-scale trends, and patterns of entangled Indigenous knowledge. After establishing a series of working tools and a shared methodological and conceptual framework, WP1 overlaps significantly with the other WPs in order to allow further testing of the main hypothesis established in case studies and different chronological scenarios.
WP Leaders

Susana Matos Viegas
Universidade de Lisboa
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa. Has a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Coimbra (2003). Her fieldwork research among the indigenous people Tupinambá de Olivença in Brazil included being the coordinator of the anthropological report to demarcate the indigenous land (1997-2009). Her research topics are on personhood, indigenous people’s territorialities, ancestorship and historicities in the indigenous Atlantic. Since 2012 also among the Fataluku (Timor-Leste). Editor-in-Chief of Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, since 2022.

Claudia Rosas Lauro
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Professor at the Department of Humanities, Director of the Master’s degree in History and member of the Steering Committee of the Doctorate Programme in History at Pontifica Universidad Católica del Peru. Has a PhD in History from the University of Florence, Italy. Is a Full Member of the National Academy of History of Peru. Among her publications are ‘La lucha por la libertad. Rebelión, guerra e independencia del Perú, 1780-1826’ (2021), ‘Los rostros de la independencia. El nacimiento del Perú desde las vidas de sus protagonistas’ (2021), ‘Mujeres de armas tomar. La participación femenina en las guerras del Perú republicano’ (2021), and ‘Estado, memoria y sociedad en Ayacucho, Cusco y Lima’ (2021) with Nelson Pereyra.

Guillermo Wilde
Universidad Nacional de San Martín
Principal Investigator at Argentinian National Council for Scientific Research and Professor at Universidad Nacional de San Martin (Argentina). He obtained his PhD at the University of Buenos Aires (2003). His research has been focused on colonial art and music, ethnohistory, ethnogenesis, indigenous leadership, and religious conversion in the Iberian-American frontiers. His book ‘Religión y Poder en las Misiones Guaraníes’, was awarded by the Latin American Studies Association. Former fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Associated Editor of Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, since 2022.