Committees and Boards
Steering Committee
Made up of 19 people, consisting of the Principal Investigator (PI) of the coordinating institution (Pablo Ibáñez Bonillo, CHAM – NOVA FCSH) and a representative from each of the other EDGES institutions (18). Its members will meet twice a year, being allowed to participate via videoconference.
Three members of the Steering Committee will be elected each year by its members to participate in the Executive Committee. Besides voting in their representatives, the Steering Committee will supervise the accomplishment of the milestones and the planned secondments. For this, they will require the coordinators of each WP to submit an annual report of their activities and the status of their deliverables. The committee will also approve the following year’s report and be informed of all official communications with the European Union. Among their responsibilities is approving annual reports of the administration and coordination in the signature of the Grant Agreement.
Executive Committee
EDGES comprises daily management by the Project Coordinator and two internal coordinators: Rodrigo Lacerda (CRIA – NOVA FCSH) and Camila Marinelli (USTAN). Alongside the Project Coordinator and three representatives of the Steering Committee, they will make up the Executive Committee. This committee will meet each month. Among its duties will be the preparation of Progress Reports and an annual activities report, preparing meetings with the Steering Committee and the relationship with the Scientific Committee and the Social Advisory Board. They will also remain in constant contact with the WP Leaders responsible for submitting promised deliverables.
Scientific Committee
Made up of five academic researchers in Indigenous knowledges with recognised international prestige. Its members will validate the annual activities report produced by the Executive Committee. They will also participate in EDGES activities and eventually participate in the programmed publications.
- Felipe Tuxá (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
- George Lovell (Queens University)
- Marcela Coelho de Souza (Universidade de Brasília)
- Mark Harris (University of Adelaide)
- Telma Can Pixabaj (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Social Advisory Board
To optimise the social projection of EDGES, a communication board made up of six specialists has been established in the fields of scientific, cultural, social, and institutional communication. Its members will meet annually online to supervise the correct fulfilment of the strategy. They will also offer advice and guidance. On a personal level, the communication members can participate in the activities and planned deliverables at EDGES. The goal of this board is also to create new connections and sustainable relationships between the members of EDGES and other cultural, educational, and government institutions to develop future partnerships.
- Amalia Córdova (Smithsonian Institution)
- Glícia Tupinambá (Brasil),
- Joxean Fernández (EKIN)
- Liliana Coutinho (CULTURGEST, Lisboa)
- Pablo Mediavilla Costa (Penguin – Random House España)
- Tristan Harnisch (DOCIP)