Conferencia Zanjas circundantes geométricas como centros ceremoniales amazónicos (ca. 750 a.C – 950 d.C.) en Brasil, Bolivia y Perú
La Maestría en Historia de la Escuela de Posgrado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y el proyecto “Entangling Indigenous Knowledges in Universities” (EDGES) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions de la Unión Europea, tienen el agrado de invitarlos a la Conferencia titulada “Zanjas circundantes geométricas como centros ceremoniales amazónicos (ca. 750 a.C. – 950 d.C.) en Brasil, Bolivia y Perú”, a cargo del Dr. Martti Pärssinen.
El evento será híbrido, es decir, presencial y virtual a la vez. El público externo a la PUCP, puede inscribirse en el siguiente enlace:
Antropologías argentinas: Historias, metahistorias y parahistorias (Profesor: Axel Lazzari)
Este curso invita a una exploración crítica de la “historia de la antropología argentina”. El programa está estructurado combinando tres instancias: un recorrido sustantivo y cronológico de los relatos históricos generales sobre la antropologia argentina, un panorama selecto de obras/autores y de comentaristas, reflexiones epistemológicas y metodológicas recientes, junto a una discusión especial acerca del tiempo histórico. A lo largo de estas tres instancias se perfilarán los sentidos y pertinencia de una parahistoria.
Comienza: 10.04.2024 | Miércoles de 14h a 17 h.
Modalidad híbrida (presencial y virtual) | Universidad Nacional de San Martín
WhatsApp: +54 911 15 2480 6176
Días y horarios de atención: lunes a viernes de 14:00 a 19:30 hs
O Seminário Diálogos com cineastas indígenas sobre mulheres e territorialidades terá a participação de duas cineastas indígenas, Sueli Maxakali e Olinda Tupinambá, com os moderadores, Susana Viega Matos (ICS-ULisboa) e Rodrigo Lacerda (CRIA/NOVA/FCSH/IN2PAST)
The Seminário Permanente Mundos Indígenas, Abya Yala, SEPMIAI proposes a collaborative and assertive network between indigenous and non-indigenous researchers to build research possibilities in different thematic approaches to indigenous peoples from the 16th century to the present day.
Title: La explotación de saberes indígenas. Un lado oculto del colonialismo ibérico, siglo XVI, by Julián Carrera (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
When: 21.02.2024 | 18h00
Where: CAN – Colégio Almada Negreiros, Sala 209 | Universidade Nova de Lisboa or Online
We want to thank everyone involved in making EDGES first event so successful and enjoyable. It was a pleasure meeting so many creative and knowledgeable people. It was two days of learning, planning and networking. We have so much to look forward to for the next four years!
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Kick-Off Meeting for the EDGES project, scheduled to take place from January 29th to January 30th. This inaugural meeting marks the beginning of an exciting journey as we embark on the EDGES project: “Entangling Indigenous Knowledges in Universities.”
The primary objective of this event is to bring together researchers from various institutions who are part of this groundbreaking project. During the meeting, we will delve into the specifics of Horizon Europe’s Staff Exchanges – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions program. Additionally, we will present and discuss the theoretical aspects and practical challenges inherent to the EDGES proposal, as well as the objectives of each Work Package.
Moreover, this event presents a unique opportunity to introduce you to the Scientific Committee and Social Advisory Board, crucial pillars of the EDGES project. We will also unveil the communication strategy that will guide our efforts over the next four years as we work to weave indigenous knowledge into the fabric of university education.
Stay tuned for updates and insights from this event as we set the stage for this ambitious endeavor. We look forward to the collaborative and multidisciplinary work that lies ahead and the positive impact it will have on the integration of indigenous knowledge in universities.