Universidad De Chile (UCH) Chile

José Manuel Zavala Cepeda
Professor at the Department of Historical Sciences of the UCH. Doctor in Anthropology with a mention in History of Latin America from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University. Expertise in the relationships between colonial societies and indigenous peoples, notably the Mapuche people. He has directed numerous interdisciplinary research projects on the Mapuche, including ethnohistory, archaeology and linguistics; the most recent is about the Spanish gold panners of Araucanía of the 16th century and its impact on the original inhabitants. Among his books, it is worth highlighting ‘Política y diplomacia interétnica en la Araucanía: Aproximación interdisciplinar a los Parlamentos Hispano-Mapuches (1593-1803)’, co-authored with Tom Dillehay and Gertrudis Payàs (2020).

Camila Fernanda Varas Zepeda
Associate professor at the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences UMCE in the chairs of “History of Chile and Pre-Columbian America” and “Chile 19th Century” in the Department of History and Geography. She is a Master’s student in History at the University of Chile. She has a degree in History from the University of Santiago de Chile and a Diploma in Indigenous Peoples in Chile and Latin America from the IDEA-USACH Institute for Advanced Studies.

Enrique Antileo Baeza
Director of the Mapuche Memory Studies and Documentation Center since 2019. He is also the founder of Veranada Ediciones, a publishing project related to publications about indigenous peoples. Doctor in Latin American Studies from the UCH. He completed his postdoctoral at UCH’s Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. In 2020, he published the book “Aquí Estamos Todavía. Anticolonialismo y emancipación en los pensamientos políticos mapuche y aymara” by Pehuén Editores. He co-authored with Claudio Alvarado Lincopi the books Fütra Waria (2023), Gráficas Mapuche (2022), Diarios Mapuche 1935-1966 (2019), as well as many articles in specialized magazines.

Francisco Goicovich
Professor specialised in pre-Hispanic and colonial indigenous themes of Chile and America in the Department of Historical Sciences of UCH. He is a History and Anthropology graduate with a mention in Archaeology and has a Master’s in History with a mention in Ethnohistory from UCH. He obtained a Ph.D. in History with a minor in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, with a Fulbright Scholarship. His research focuses on the border societies of the American continent, which has led him to work in archives, libraries and museums in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Mexico, the United States and Spain.

Jorge Hidalgo Lehuedé
Professor of History and Geography at the University of Chile, Santiago. He has a Doctorate of Philosophy at the University of London (1987). He has been Curator of the National Archive of Chile (1990-1994) and Director of the Postgraduate and Postgraduate Department (UCH, 2002-2006); National History Prize 2004; Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (UCH, 2006-2010). His speciality is Andean colonial history. He is currently the researcher responsible for the Conicyt Regular Project No. 1220296.

José Luis Martínez Cereceda
Researcher in the areas of ethnohistory and anthropology since 1984. He has developed several lines of research, among them the study of Andean authorities during the Inka and early colonial periods, the study of colonial and contemporary populations of the Atacameño region and their social and cultural strategies of interrelation with neighbouring societies in the arid Puna, the communication systems (especially visual and musical-choreographic), which allowed the construction of narratives of power and memory between the 15th and 20th centuries in the central southern Andean region. Memory systems, especially Inkaic ones. He is also presently researching the ontologies and epistemologies of Andean societies.

José Miguel Sotelo
Graduate and Master’s degree in History from the University of Chile. He has dedicated himself to indigenous History from a cultural perspective, focused on studying the processes of colonization and cultural appropriation from the Andean world. I have participated in different instances of discussion and research, which have complemented my understanding of the various cultures, mechanisms of resistance and cultural reproduction that occur in contexts of colonization.