Universidade Federal Do Pará (UFPA) Brazil

Karl Heinz Arenz
Professor at UFPA, Brazil, working at the Faculty of History and the Post-Graduate Program in Social History of Amazonia. Karl holds a Modern and Contemporary History doctorate from the University Paris-Sorbonne, France. The focus of his research is the Colonial Amazon Society, especially the complex relationship between Indigenous populations, Jesuit missionaries, and Portuguese authorities. In 2019, he was co-editor of a colonial dictionary of the Tupi language, which was widely spoken in the Amazon Region.

Ana Manoela Primo dos Santos Soares
PhD candidate at the Postgraduate Programme in Sociology and Anthropology (PPGSA) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). She is a specialist in Indigenous Ethnology (FAVENI). Is a member of the Diversity and Interculturality in the Amazon Research Group (DINA) Collaborative and multidisciplinary research at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Also, a member of the Amerindia Group – Research Group on Indigenous Ethnology and Traditional Peoples and Communities (UFPA). She carries out research on the following topics: movements, rights, social organization, knowledge and memories of indigenous women. She is indigenous to the Karipuna people (Amapá – Brazil).

Researcher at the Goeldi Museum and Professor of the Graduate Programme in Social History at the Federal University of Pará. He is dedicated to the social history of sciences in the Amazon region. His current research addresses the construction of scientific knowledge about the Amazon from a transnational perspective. He is interested in the circulation of people, ideas, and scientific collections, as well as the process of appropriation, translation, and elision of native knowledge. His recent publications include the relationship of Indigenous people and museums, circulation of plants, history of botanical gardens, and intertextuality in travel reports.

Rafael Chambouleyron
Professor at the Federal University of Pará, where he works at the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. He works with the history of the colonial Amazon, more specifically, with issues related to the world of work and territorial and economic dynamics, in the 17th and 18th centuries. Recently, he launched the collection “As drogas do sertão e a Amazônia portuguesa colonial”, by the History Centre of the University of Lisbon (2023).