Universidad Mayor De San Andrés (UMSA) Bolivia

María Luisa Soux
Emeritus professor and researcher in the History Department and the Institute of Bolivian Studies of the UMSA. She studied at UMSA (Bolivia), the International University of Andalusia (Spain) and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru). She is a specialist in the history of the Independence process, rural history and legal history. Among her publications are the books La coca liberal (1993), La Paz en su ausencia (2008), El complejo proceso hacia la independencia de Charcas (2010) and Constitución, ley y justicia entre colonia y república (2013 ). She has published co-authored books and academic articles in specialised journals in Bolivia, Latin America and Europe.

Ana María Lema Garrett
Tenured professor in the History Department at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz). She is a historian with a doctorate from the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (Paris). She worked as the Undersecretary of Ethnic Affairs in the MUSEF-Sucre and was director of Bolivia’s National Archive and Library. Her research has focused on lowland indigenous peoples, with publications such as Caupolicán, Iturralde: tierra de promesas y proyectos nacionales (2019), El sentido del silencio. La mano de obra chiquitana en el Oriente boliviano a principios del siglo XX (2009), and De la huella al impacto. La participación popular en municipios con población indígena (Urubichá, Gutiérrez y Villa Montes)(2001).

Cleverth Carlos Cárdenas Plaza
Research professor of Literature Course at the UMSA. Has a Doctorate in Latin American Cultural Studies from the UASB (Ecuador) and a Bachelor in Literature from UMSA (Bolivia). He was a researcher at the National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore (MUSEF) and a consultant in the PIEB Program. He specialised in the study of festivals and oral tradition. He has co-authored, among others: El poder de las polleras en la fiesta popular: género y resistencia en el Gran Poder (2022); Diegesis y mito: los animales en las tradiciones orales bolivianas (2017); Realidades solapadas: la transformación de las polleras en 115 años de fotografía paceña (2015).

Gervacia Santusa Marca Morales
Candidate for a master’s degree in Latin American Studies at CIDES-UMSA and teaches at the La Paz-UMSA Archive and the Art School of Photography. She has a bachelor’s degree from UMSA and was an associate researcher at the Institute of Bolivian Studies-UMSA and the Center for Social Research (CIS). She was also an Archivist of the Flavio Machicado Viscarra Foundation (FFMV) and the Institute of Aymara Language and Culture (ILCA). Her expertise lies in the history of image sources, especially photography. She has published the book Fotógrafos en la ciudad de La Paz 1840-1899 (2016) and several articles related to photography in the 19th century.

Jédu Antonio Sagárnaga Meneses
Professor of History and Archeology and a researcher at the Anthropological and Archaeological Research Institute of the UMSA. Archaeologist from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz). Master’s studies at CIDES UMSA. Specialization in “Museum and Environment. Cultural heritage and tourist use” (Museum of America, Madrid). He was a professor at the Universities “Franz Tamayo”, “UDABOL”, “San Francisco de Asís”, “Universidad Católica” and “Pública de El Alto”. He has nine books published and is Director of “Chachapuma”, Bolivian Archeology Magazine.

Nivardo Rodríguez Leytón
PhD student in History at the University of Tarapacá (Arica Chile). Graduated from the UMSA. He was a teacher in the History Department of the UMSA, in the Sociology Department and in the Department of Culture of the Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo. He has also been the coordinator of the Fausto Reinaga Historical Research Institute of the UPEA History Program and a researcher of the Historical Research Institute of the UMSA. He has published several books and articles on intellectual History and Environmental History. In 2013, he received the Eduardo Abaroa Award for the best historical research on the novels of the Pacific War.

Susana Belén Grados Gorriti
PhD student, currently working on the thesis titled “El impacto de las Reformas Borbónicas en la población y comercio de Pacajes, 1780 -1809”. She has a Bachelor’s degree from UMSA. She specializes in the history of the indigenous peoples of the highlands during the colonial period. She has among her publications the book “Conflictos de tierras y problemas sociales. Calacoto, Provincia Pacajes, 1700-1750”, published by the Institute of Historical Research (IIH) of the UMSA.

Teofilo Laime Ajacopa
Professor of Quechua II, Anthropological Collective Workshop I and II ( UMSS), Sociolinguistics and Bilingual Education (UMSA). Academic Director of the Faculty of Social Sciences (UMSS 2023 until April 2024). Executive Secretary of the Faculty of Social Sciences (January-May 2023). He is a linguist and sociolinguist. Has a PhD in Languages and Literature from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium, 2011). He has a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Languages from UMSA (2000) and a Master’s degree in Higher Education (UMSA 2006). He received the national prize for Children’s Literature in the Quechua language (Bolivia 1998) and Recognition for academic work, awarded by the Chamber of Deputies, Bolivia (2014).