Universidad Nacional De San Martín (UNSAM) Argentina

Axel Lazzari
Researcher at CONICET and Professor at the Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, UNSAM, director of the Centro de Estudios Socioterritoriales, de Identidades y de Ambiente (CESIA), founding member of the Red de Investigaciones en Antropologías Argentinas y Latinoamericanas (RIASAL). He holds a PhD in Anthropology from Columbia University (2010). His expertise has ranged from Indigenous Studies (mostly in southern Argentina) to political anthropology and ethnohistory. He is the author of “La vuelta de los ranqueles. Una reemergencia indígena en América Latina” (Sb, 2024) and has published widely in national and international journals. He contributed to collective books and edited a collection of educational materials on Indigenous peoples in Argentina.

Alfonsina Cantore
PhD in Social Anthropology and Social Science from Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidade Federal da Bahia UBA/UFBA (co-supervision). She holds a Doctoral fellowship from Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET/UNSAM). She has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Social Anthropology from UBA. Her expertise lies in the anthropology of gender, care, health, sexuality, and interculturality. Her research focuses on ethnography with Mbya Guaraní women in Misiones (Argentina).

Anne Gustavsson
Lecturer at Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, USAM, since 2017 and Research Fellow in Ethnology at Umeå University (2022-2024, Sweden). She holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from EIDAES/UNSAM (2018) and an MA in International Museum Studies from the University of Gothenburg (2008, Sweden). Her expertise lies in the areas of Gran Chaco studies, heritage and memory studies, Swedish colonialism, historical anthropology, and the history of anthropology. She is the author of “Ethnographic Returns. Memory processes and archive film” (2021). She has published articles in national and international journals, such as Revista del Museo de Antropología or International Journal of Heritage Studies.

Carolina Rodríguez
Currently a scholarship fellow by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técincas (CONICET) and a doctoral candidate by the Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales (EIDAES – UNSAM), she researches forms of use, occupation and composition of the Mbya Guaraní territory in the current time. She has a degree in Biology from the National University of Asunción, Paraguay (UNA, 2010) and a master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the National University of San Martín, Argentina (UNSAM, 2018).

Fabián R. Vega
Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Council for Scientific Research (CONICET) and the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina). He earned his PhD in History from the University of Buenos Aires (2023). His research focuses on the circulation of books and missionary knowledge in the context of Catholic missions among Indigenous peoples during the early modern period. His forthcoming book, based on his doctoral dissertation—Libros en la selva. Bibliotecas jesuíticas y circulación de saberes en las misiones de guaraníes (siglos XVII y XVIII)—is currently in press. He has received research grants and fellowships from institutions such as Casa de Velázquez, The Bibliographical Society of America, The Bibliographical Society of the United Kingdom, the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation, and the John Carter Brown Library, among others. In 2025, he was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowship to continue his research at the Complutense University of Madrid, beginning in mid-2026.

Guillermo Wilde
Principal Investigator at Argentinian National Council for Scientific Research and Professor at Universidad Nacional de San Martin (Argentina). He obtained his PhD at the University of Buenos Aires (2003). His research has been focused on colonial art and music, ethnohistory, ethnogenesis, indigenous leadership, and religious conversion in the Iberian-American frontiers. His book ‘Religión y Poder en las Misiones Guaraníes’, was awarded by the Latin American Studies Association. Former fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Associated Editor of Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, since 2022.

Julia Gago
PhD student in Social Anthropology at EIDAES (Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, UNSAM) and a doctoral fellow at CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas). She is a member of the Biological Anthropology Team (UBA-UMAI) and holds a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. Her research focuses on the anthropology of science, specifically the uses and meanings of genetic ancestry studies in contemporary Argentina. She explores intersections with heritage, ethnic, and identity-related issues. She has a forthcoming publication in EDUNPAZ on the role of commercial genetic studies in reshaping family histories.

Maxime Marasse
PhD student in Social Anthropology at UNSAM. He holds both a Bachelor’s (Montpellier University III) and a Master’s degree (EHESS-Paris) in Social Anthropology and a Master’s in Local Development (Sorbonne University I). His thesis concerns ethnicity, invisibility, deterritorialization processes and the emergence of a Guarani indigenous identity in the Iberá area (2024-1767). Based on a broad historiographical corpus analysis from the Archives and journals of travellers with an anthropological approach. He also translates Old Guaraní letters to Modern Spanish and ethnographical fieldwork on an ongoing process of indigenous self-determination in two Guarani communities from Iberá (Province of Corrientes, Argentina).

Mirta Fabiana Millán
Member of the Comunidad Mapuche Urbana Pillan Manké (Cóndor Sagrado) in Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina.She holds a degree in Visual Arts (UNA) and has pursued master’s studies in Social Anthropology (FACSO-UNICEN, 2015) and Ethnic Studies and Anthropology (FLACSO-Ecuador, 2002-2004). Currently, she is a PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at UNSAM-EIDAES. She is a university professor at UNMA (Universidad Nacional de Derechos Humanos “Madres de Plaza de Mayo”), leading courses on Indigenous women, feminism, and Indigenous rights. Additionally, she teaches Mapuzungun (Mapuche language) at FACSO-UNICEN. Since 2012, she has coordinated the MTAEI (Self-Managed Working Group on Intercultural Education, Buenos Aires Province). In 2024, she co-led a CLACSO seminar on conservation, ancestral knowledge, and territorial management. Her research focuses on Indigenous identity, intercultural education, and Indigenous rights, with several publications in Latin American academic journals.

Noelia Enriz
Researcher at CONICET – EIDAES/UNSAM, since 2011. She holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires (2009) and a Social Sciences Teaching Specialist from FLACSO, Brazil (2021). Her experience focuses on indigenous ethnology with the Mbyá Guarani population, including child ethnography, anthropology of education, and ethnic identities. Her professional development has focused on promoting the quality of education for indigenous populations in north-eastern Argentina. She has published articles in national and international journals, such as Childhood.

Patricia Galletti
Postdoctoral Researcher at CONICET. She holds a PhD in Social Anthropology at UNSAM (2019). Since 2023, she has been co-director of the project “Language and subalternity: Linguistic and ethnographic studies of Argentine linguistic minorities”, leading the study of the Romani language at Universidad Nacional de San Juan. She is a specialist in Romani studies. Her expertise lies in ethnohistory, Romani identity politics and geopolitical approaches to the Romani language. She is author of “La diferencia colonial gitana: normalización y resistencia subalterna en España” (2021, SB) and has published articles in national and international journals, such as Mitologías Hoy and International Journal of Roma Studies.

Rolando Silla
Researcher at CONICET—EIDAES/UNSAM (Argentina) since October 2007. He holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the Museu Nacional (2005, Brazil) and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Aberdeen (2011, UK). His expertise lies in north Patagonia, the History of Anthropology, religion, and national and ethnic identities. He is author of “Colonizar argeninizando. Identidad, fiesta y nación en el Alto Neuquén” (2011). He has published articles in national and international journals, such as Intersecciones en Antropologíaor Mana.

Silvia Hirsch
Professor and researcher at EIDAES, UNSAM, Argentina. She has a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of California (1991) and edits the journal Etnografías Contemporáneas. Her areas of expertise are indigenous peoples, gender, health, and bilingual intercultural education. She is the author of several edited volumes on indigenous peoples, the book “El pueblo tapiete de Argentina” (2006), and numerous chapters and articles.

Soledad Del Río
PhD student in Social Anthropology at EIDAES (Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, UNSAM). She has a Doctoral fellowship from CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) and a bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from EIDAES, UNSAM (2017). Her expertise lies in the anthropology of religion, new age, alternative therapies, and the use of psychoactive plants. Her research focuses on the experiences with ayahuasca among urban consumers of this substance in Buenos Aires.